Minnesota Timber Producers Association
The Minnesota Timber Producers Association is a trade organization representing
not only loggers, but also wood brokers, truckers, sawmill operators, and other
allied businesses in Minnesota’s forest products industry. Founded in 1937, TPA
is the state’s oldest such trade organization.
TPA represents its members at the federal, state, county, and municipal levels,
with lawmakers and agencies, promoting issues important to the logging and
forest products industries.
The forest products industry impacts Minnesota’s economy to the tune of $10
billion each year. It all starts with Minnesota’s professional loggers, who are on the front lines of sustainably managing our state’s lush forests, so they will always be there to enjoy for generations to come.
TPA also publishes The Timber Bulletin, the voice of the timber industry.
Published six times each year. A subscription to The Timber Bulletin is included
with membership.

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